Nodal Shifts: North Node in Aries Transit

What is “Main Character” energy? It’s become popularized phrase to describe someone being the protagonist and focal point of their own life story. “Main Character” energy refers to a person that possesses a magnetic presence, captures attention with charisma, and ability to exudes confidence. And this is the energy we are heading into with the upcoming Nord Node shifting to Aries July 17th 2023.

In astrology, the North Node, also known as the True Node, is a significant point that represents a person’s or the collectives karmic path and soul’s evolutionary journey. Since the North Node shifting into Aries, It indicates the lessons, experiences, and qualities that the collective needs to develop and embrace in the next two years. The North Node’s placement in a specific zodiac sign provides insights into the lessons and gifts associated with that sign.

When the North Node is in Aries, the lessons and gifts revolve around assertiveness, self-discovery, and personal independence.  

Overall, the North Node in Aries invites us to embark on a path of self-discovery, assertiveness, and personal independence. It urges us to embrace our unique identity, take the lead in our lives, and fearlessly pursue our passions. By cultivating courage, self-assertion, and a healthy sense of individuality, you can unlock your  full potential and make significant strides on your journey.  It’s Rip Me Out The Plastic Season 😝  


Xoxo Tahiry

Published by Tahiry Devine

Hello to all, my name is Tahiry Devine and welcome to this sacred space of healing, encouragement, and community through the ideals of wombman-hood, Mothering, and awakening of the Divine Feminine as told through my journey. As a wombman of color, I aspire to share not only my spiritual journey and life hacks I have learned over the years but to collaborate with wombman all over who desire to share and walk in their Divine calling. Wholeness and Love

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