
The Archetypal Identity

Goddess Sekhmet Temple – Nevada

Archetypes are universal, symbolic patterns or themes that exist in the collective human consciousness. They represent fundamental aspects of the human experience, emotions, and behavior. Archetypes are found in myths, stories, art, and cultures across the world, and they serve as deep-seated symbols that resonate with our innate understanding. These symbols tap into our shared human experiences, making them relatable and recognizable.

Introduced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who was also the philosophical rival of Sigmund Freud, ideas about archetypes has set the framework for contemporary psychology, spiritual philosophy, and personal growth. His work has inspired many like myself to explore my own complexities, find balance and harmony within them and map out a healing journey for my own psychological wounds to create new patterns and experiences for me.

These archetypes for my upcoming 9-week program, The Art & Science of Sacred Femininity: The 5 Archetypes for Radiating Confidence and Embracing Love for the Working Woman, has successfully helped me to understand and master my own mental, spiritual and emotional health. I will be sharing my experiences with each archetype, the shadow and light aspects of them, how I discovered them, and how I used them to help me change the trajectory of my life and career.

The thing that I want you to understand is that you, we, are always operating as an archetype, even if we don’t know which one we are operating as, this is called the shadow. This includes the people around us, family, friends, lovers, work colleagues, strangers we meet, etc.. we all are operating as an archetype or several. The goal is to become conscious of which one you are more dominantly resonant with and the conscious control to shift into others as necessary. We will be doing Shadow Work in this program, as well as transmuting stagnant and unnecessary energies from our lives.

This program is built for you to become aware of yourself, which entails, allows you to be aware of others. Learning about these archetypes, particularly the one that I predominantly resonant with literally saved my life! I wish that was an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. My lived experiences brought me here to help women and girls save themselves and embrace a life that is fulfilling with purpose, respect, love, and prosperity! I wholeheartedly know that when women start embracing their connection to divinity, their capacity to receive love, their contributions to society and loved ones, only then will the world see and feel the shifts of women in power (empower).

Exploring feminine archetypes is a powerful journey of self-discovery and personal growth, allowing us women to embrace the complexity and beauty of our identities. I like forward to embarking this with you!

I will be releasing more information this week on my email newsletter about the The Art & Science of Sacred Femininity: The 5 Archetypes for Radiating Confidence and Embracing Love for the Working Woman Program and optional Retreat Spring 2024

Join the newsletter to receive a chance to have access to Early Bird Specials and exclusive content.


Cosmic blessings in Cancer New Moon

As we enter a new lunar cycle, the New Moon in Cancer graces the celestial stage, offering us an opportunity for deep emotional healing, nurturing, and transformation. Cancer, a water sign ruled by the moon, brings forth themes of home, family, emotions, and intuition. This powerful lunar phase invites us to connect with our inner selves and embrace the profound potential for growth and renewal. Let’s explore the trends and themes of this New Moon and discover how astrology can guide us in navigating life’s journey.

  1. Emotional Nurturing and Self-Care:
    The New Moon in Cancer encourages us to prioritize emotional well-being and self-care. It’s an ideal time to create a nurturing sanctuary within our homes and hearts, allowing ourselves to retreat from the demands of the external world. Embrace practices such as journaling, meditation, and spending quality time with loved ones to cultivate a sense of emotional security and support.
  2. Connecting with Intuition:
    Cancer’s intuitive nature amplifies during this New Moon, urging us to listen to our inner voice and trust our instincts. Tuning into our emotions and honoring our gut feelings can provide valuable insights and guidance. Engage in practices like tarot readings, dream journaling, or simply quiet reflection to deepen your connection with your intuitive wisdom.
  3. Healing Family Dynamics:
    This lunar phase invites us to address and heal familial patterns and dynamics. Reflect on your relationship with your family, both biological and chosen, and identify any unresolved emotions or conflicts. Engage in open and compassionate communication, set healthy boundaries, and seek professional support if needed. Healing family wounds can lead to transformative growth and greater emotional freedom.
  4. Nurturing Relationships:
    The Cancer energy of this New Moon also emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships. Focus on cultivating deep connections, expressing love and support, and creating a safe space for emotional vulnerability. Engage in heart-centered conversations and gestures of care to strengthen the bonds with your loved ones and foster a sense of belonging.
  5. Setting New Intentions:
    New Moons are powerful times for setting intentions and planting seeds for the future. During this lunar phase, reflect on what you desire to manifest in your emotional well-being, home life, and relationships. Write down your intentions, infusing them with heartfelt emotions, and visualize them as already achieved. Take inspired action towards these goals, knowing that the Cancer New Moon supports transformative change.

Astrology’s Insight into Life:
Astrology offers valuable insights into our lives by examining the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth and their ongoing movements. It helps us understand our strengths, challenges, and life’s cycles. Astrology can provide guidance, affirmations, and a broader perspective on our experiences, supporting personal growth and self-awareness.

As the New Moon in Cancer graces our lives, let us embrace the transformative energy it offers. Engage in emotional nurturing, connect with your intuition, and heal familial wounds to experience profound personal growth. Set your intentions with love and clarity, trusting that the universe will support your journey. Remember, astrology can serve as a guide, empowering us to navigate life’s ebbs and flows with greater awareness and wisdom.

May this New Moon in Cancer be a time of emotional renewal, deep connection, and transformative growth. Embrace the nurturing energy of this lunar phase and allow it to guide you on your path to fulfillment and emotional well-being.


A Fierce and Fired Up Full Moon in Capricorn

🦁Sekhmet, is an ancient Egyptian goddess known for her powerful and fierce nature. She is often depicted as a lioness-headed woman, representing both the nurturing and protective aspects of femininity, as well as the destructive force that can be unleashed when provoked. Sehkmet is associated with fire, war, healing, and transformation.

✨Embrace Your Inner Strength: Sehkmet reminds women of their inherent power and strength. She encourages us to tap into our inner courage and resilience, helping us realize our full potential and face challenges head-on.

🌟Sehkmet teaches women to assert their boundaries and stand firm in their authenticity. She encourages them to be true to themselves, unapologetically expressing their desires, opinions, and needs.

🦁 Embrace the Fierce Lioness Within with Goddess Sehkmet! 🌟

✨Discover the transformative power of Goddess as you immerse yourself in your inner courage and strength, and awaken the fearless spirit that resides within you.

🌌 Calling all spiritual girlies and spiritual baddies! Join us for a captivating 3-day Unlock Your Power Challenge and Experience an empowering journey of self-discovery that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world!

🎟️ Sign up now for the Free General Admission or pay for VIP Access and unlock the door to your true potential. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded souls, embrace your lioness energy, and be the cause of your own destiny.

🗓️ Save the date: July 10-July 12
📍 Location: Online

🔮 Let the lioness roar within you and embark on a life-changing adventure with The Unlock Your Power Challenge. We can’t wait to welcome you!

GoddessSehkmetTemple #EmbraceYourLionessEnergy #SpiritualJourney #Empowerment #CourageAndStrength #SpiritualGirlies #SpiritualBaddies #spiritualcoachforwomen



Since childhood, I have been deemed the leader. I’m the eldest, first born daughter of four children. That implied, in my parents eyes, I’m the leader.

Outside of birthright, I never felt like the leader or understood what a leader was to be like. My parents, in good faith, I’m presuming, meant well, but did not prepare me for leadership. I was thrusted into a role and responsibilities, because that’s just the way it was to be.

I failed miserably as the leader. I did not have support from my parents when I was not able to harness leadership over my very unruly siblings. I was severely punished for not getting something correct the first time, and shamed when asking for guidance or help.

I learned from that experience that a “leader” never asks, they just know. And since I’m a leader, I better know and know it fast.

I have been placed in many leadership roles in school, work, and even in my friendship groups. Particularly, in my friendship circles, I would be the main person that kept the relationship going. I would lead in planning events, trips, and social activities. Or, as it felt, I would be the person that would be there when someone needed. In my working professions I was on adding on leadership responsibilities to gain experience. I was continually told that I am a leader and should become more comfortable in that.

I didn’t realize until recently that I am NOT the leader at all. I do have is the gift of leadership, Having the gift doesn’t mean you are the leader, and you can relax in being your more authentic self.

When that was presented to me, my feelings were hurt. More deeply, my ego was bruised. My entire life identity up until that point, I believed that I was a leader and when things looked like it needed a leader, or feeling like you have to be the one that says, “I’ll Do It!”

Today, I can say, almost proudly, that I am NOT the leader. And, I feel free. I’m working through my ego deaths and maybe even an identity crisis.. not sure yet lol. But what I do know is that laying that part of what I believed I was or had to be, my soul seems lighter.


Dark Divine Feminine Archetypes

There are several dark divine feminine archetypes that appear in various mythologies and spiritual traditions. Some of the most well-known include:

  1. Kali – a Hindu goddess who is associated with death, destruction, and transformation. She is often depicted with multiple arms, carrying weapons and severed heads, and is said to represent the power of time and change.
  2. Lilith – a figure from Jewish folklore who is associated with sexuality, independence, and rebellion. She is often depicted as a demonic figure, and has been interpreted as a symbol of women’s empowerment and liberation.
  3. Hecate – a Greek goddess who is associated with witchcraft, magic, and the underworld. She is often depicted with torches, keys, and serpents, and is said to represent the power of transformation and the mysteries of the unconscious.
  4. The Morrigan – a Celtic goddess who is associated with battle, death, and sovereignty. She is often depicted as a triple goddess, and is said to represent the power of transformation and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

These archetypes teach us to embrace the darker, more mysterious aspects of life, and to find strength and wisdom in times of chaos and transformation. They remind us that death and destruction are natural and necessary parts of the cycle of life, and that by embracing these forces, we can tap into a deeper sense of power and purpose.

The myth of the dark divine feminine varies depending on the archetype in question, but in general, these myths involve themes of transformation, rebirth, and the power of the unconscious. They often feature powerful female figures who challenge the patriarchal order and assert their own independence and agency, sometimes at great cost. Through these myths, we can learn to embrace our own power and agency, and to recognize the value of our own darkness and complexity.


What is Dark Feminine Energy

The concept of “dark feminine energy” refers to the aspects of the divine feminine that are associated with mystery, transformation, and the depths of the unconscious. This archetype is often represented by goddesses such as Kali, Lilith, Hecate, and the Morrigan, among others.

To awaken and connect with the dark feminine, one can start by exploring their own inner darkness and shadow aspects. This can involve practices such as journaling, meditation, dreamwork, and creative expression. It may also involve working with the symbols and imagery of dark feminine goddesses, and exploring the myths and stories associated with them.

Connecting with the dark feminine can help women to embrace their own power, creativity, and sexuality, and to transform aspects of themselves that may be holding them back. It can also help women to connect with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, and to develop a more holistic and integrated sense of self.

It’s important to note that the “dark feminine” is not necessarily a force that is separate from or opposed to the “light feminine.” Rather, these are two aspects of a larger, more complex archetype that encompasses both light and dark. By embracing the dark feminine, women can tap into a deeper sense of wholeness and balance, and cultivate a more authentic and empowered sense of self.


Doing the Great Work

I was first introduced to the concept of a Great Work from my Christian upbringing from the bible scripture John 14:12. According to John, greater works can only be applied through the Christian savior, Jesus. This concept of great works implies becoming Christ-like, performing miracles and sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. While it may seem noble, I will not be exploring that concept, more so, I will refer to the “Great Work” as described in Hermeticism. Our Great Work is fueled by our desires and is the vehicle for transmutation. As I have taken time to explore and claim my Great Work, I have learned that accepting the process of development makes wielding my Great Work with more ease. This means you will not get there overnight! Nor is reading a few books, attending a few courses or classes, or even taking a three-month sabbatical on a Buddhist mountain top! While your Great Work may lead you down those paths; the point is, this is a lifelong journey and process that will be full of ups, downs, disappointments, successes, joy, and failure- heavy on failure because that is where you truly find the answers and your way.

A close friend of mine stated that we are already in our Great Work, however, because we are so deeply invested in our experience that we tend to miss it or overlook how we are in flow of our Works. That is when I began to shift my perspective and take audit of my life experiences up to that point. And we truly are in our Great Work everyday, even in the mundane day to day experiences. These moments create the vast picture of what our purpose are.

If you are feeling stumped, or unsure what your purpose is, then I encourage you to review your life objectively. Sit quietly with yourself and write out what experiences you have had, pleasurable and unpleasurable, what failures and successes, and what mundane things you like to do and not do. While in this quiet space, refrain from judging any parts of yourself while you are allowing yourself to become curious. It is in these moments that your most profound messages and revelations shall come to you.

You may need to do this as a continued practice, and if so, encourage you to take 10-15 minutes a day for the next week to see what you will discover. Claiming and owning your Great Work is a process, and all great things develop with time and refinement. Have patience and extend grace to yourself. Greatness is calling!


A tale of a Women’s Her-Story

I shared this post for #BlackHistoryMonth in a Goddess group I’m in. For context, the group is predominantly non-women of color, so when asked I was flattered to write up a personal story. And in writing, I became nervous and old triggers flared up. No one in the group made me feel uncomfortable, and the request was in no way tone deaf. Regardless, the offering came about beautifully and the assignment was well understood.
So, here I am re-sharing in honor of #WomensHistoryMonth Thank you 🙏🏽

I am honored that I was asked to share an offering for Black Her-Story Month #BlackHistoryMonth
As I did volunteered for a topic I must say its been triggering and brought me deeper into self reflection, nevertheless, I must trigger through. 💙✨💙

I will be sharing from my personal experiences, and welcome it as a portion of the collective experience of the witch wound among Black Afro indigenous women. Many of us sisters have experience this and there is quite nuances in all our experiences, particularly as it shows or plays out among Black Afro indigenous women. I don’t want to stand as a representation for all black women or Black American women however, I do believe there are intersections in what I will offer. I’ll share my experience as I am triggering through and healing the witch wound.

I grew up in a very Christian southern military home that was quite patriarchal; However, I can remember my late paternal great grandmother being very knowledgeable of roots, herbs, and cultivating tinctures. She was of Cherokee Nation (Chicora Indian) and Angola descendent by way of the slave trade, who grew up on the Gullah Islands of South Carolina and Florida. Although she was very much a Christian, a preachers wife, and a high society social lite, there was this quiet mystical aura about her. Now these old folks would never call themself magical, let alone a witch, for that would be blasphemous, however, they would say in the whispers of night that she was a “root Woman”.

Even as I reflect on my late maternal great grandmother who was very much connected to her native American indigenous heritage too, she was very much a Christian, as well as a minister’s wife. She was a highly skilled gardener and cook, she could heal just about anything with a tea, cake, or a stew. She was from Louisiana. I can remember from both my parents, detesting the workings of both my great grandmothers, never in a disrespectful manner, but in a fearful manner as if they were doing something wrong or evil. Nevertheless, they and many others would still with seek her out for help for any ailments both physical and metaphysical. Their work Was detested yet necessary.

So fast forward to myself when I began my awakening shortly after 2012, I became more interested in learning the history of both my great grandmothers. I was quite intrigued by what they understood and what they had knowledge of despite my parents and other family members whispers of disapproval. Just like my great grandmothers, I too suffered disapproval, but more so publicly for my exiting of the Christian church.
It was a very lonely in dark time for me during my awakening however what I was able to gain was a deeper understanding and connection with both my blood lines I was able to reconcile the missing Link as to what my great grandmothers could not do openly, could not say openly, could not live openly.

I honor these women and every women before them Who were not able to live and be wild and free. Who were bounded to social, racial, and Misogynoir norms that limited their expansion.

I honor every single witchy woman, mystics, obeah woman, root worker, spirit cooker, Oracle seer and Priestess along her path for isolation is also protection.

Now as I am growing comfortable with outing myself, I personally struggle with my knowings and not knowing how I know. I am working through embracing that I belong here. That I too am Daughter of The Mother, they I too am seen. That I too belong. That I too am powerful and I too can be free. For I was and will always be Free.

And That Not just “I too” but I“AM”.
So when I reflect on the collective of Black Afro Indigenous women, I feel the collective grief, hurt, shame, and fear- mainly fear of remembering the WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN AND WHY- and the ANGER, rage that comes with the cycle and process healing grief and anguish. The fear of remembering what was lost, forgotten, and stolen.
The remembrance of how the first became last and forgotten.

Until then, like myself once did, we may hide behind and try to find a solace or a buffer in religion, men, children, careers, food etc.. anything that would attempt to ease the memories of death, destruction, power and creation.

But there is a light of reconciliation within the mother and her daughter. All progressions fulfills it’s Cycle; the pendulum swings, the wheel turns, the double Dutch ropes rounds about and When she is ready to fully embrace All of her being, May Her Crown of Glory reawakens All the Hearts of The Daughters to be fully embraced; for there is no exclusion in the arms of The Mother, in the Joy of the Maiden, and eyes of The Crone.

Dedicate this post to my late Great-Grandmothers Alice “Lottie” McAllister and Margaret Jessie May Johnson

Blessed Be 💙🙏🏽


The Times of Imbolc

What is Imbolc? In modern times, it’s honored by Wiccan and pagan celebration that has also been known as Candelmas. Imbolc symbolizes the halfway or midpoint, or bridge point between the Winter Solstice (Yule tide) and Spring Equinox (Ostara). In modern times, it is revered between January 31 – February 3. In the year 2022 it will fall on the astrological alignment of the Sun in sign Aquarius, a new Moon in Aquarius, and the Lunar Chinese New Year. 🐅

Imbolc is believed to have originated from Proto-Indo-European cultures, and is loosely translated to mean “to milk” and “to wipe clean”. As cultures and people traveled further into what we know as Europe, the practice and name of Imbolc was adopted by old Irish Celtic word meaning “pregnant” or “in the belly”. This was to reflect the pre-seasonal change of seedlings beginning to “stir” in Mother Earth to sprout or be birthed in the Spring. This holiday celebrated Brigid, the Celtic fire and fertility Goddess. Over the centuries, Brigid was adopted by Christianity as St. Brigid.

Black Woman and Imbolc

As “black” indigenous people of the African Diaspora, it is vital for our mental and spiritual liberation to reconnect with our spiritual natural order. Imbolc is a “religious” rite of honoring Black Womanhood by our ancient matriarchs and fathers. This was and is the sacred feast honoring the transitional stages of a girlhood or Maidenhood entering the enlightenment of womanhood, or motherhood. This holy feast day honored the transition and wisdom of each biological phase, spiritual responsibility, and divinity of the female human form.


The ancient Celtic practice of Imbolc celebrated Brigid, the Celtic maiden goddess in the form of the sun. Legend and myth stated that she would spread her green cloak across the land, releasing it from the icy grips of winter. Her feast day represents the midpoint of winter to spring., and honored with bonfires, blazing hearths, lit candles and foods that symbolize the the Sun.

This was a high time for magic, for ritually burning off and releasing the old year and nourishing the new.

We can honor this high holy day today by placing a woven or weaved cross on our doors. The weaving and the cross symbolizes the bridge between dark and light of our journey. You may light a candle and sit in silence to honor your personal life journey, every high and low that has led you to this point. You may even journal gratitude for your experiences and wisdom gained while sitting near a bonfire of fireplace.

To learn more about Brigid, Oracles, and Her-Story click here!


Sexuality & Pleasure are Tools of Enlightenment

Sexuality encompasses more than just sex. It is a positive expression of prana energy that connects us to our personal power, desires, drive, and creativity. Sexual energy is interlinked with the conceiving power of the universe  it brings forth life in all forms. All human life has incarnated through a sexual exchange. The power that birthed us also flows through us, so that we can create and cultivate our goals and manifestations in the world.  


For these last few centuries, sex has become a taboo topic, viewed by many as a shameful, sinful, dirty, and embarrassing act. These misconstructions have led us to detach from our sexuality and disconnect from our inner sacredness and divinity. 


We need to reconnect with our sexual energy opening, freely, and non-judgmentally. When we explore the depths of our bodies and release the trauma, emotional wounding, and cultural conditionings that reside internally, we will re-establish the free flow of life force energy within us. 


Sexual Transmutation


The vital sexual essence contains high concentrations of life force energy and when harnessed and transmuted, it produces immense healing for our physical health, mental capacity, and spiritual development.


Our sexual energy is always oscillating, but since most of us are detached from it, we inadvertently direct this force into negative outcomes. We must learn how to wield this potent energy consciously so that we can experience more zest and joy in all aspects of our life. 


Sexual energy is akin to creative energy  it fuels passion, imagination, and inspiration within us, and when cultivated and properly channeled, this motivating force can become our superpower. When we attune to this vital life force, we can direct the energy upwards throughout our energy centers and outwards into the universe through our creative purists, passion projects, and healthy sexual relationships. 


Establishing Boundaries 


Sex is a sacred energy exchange that connects us to the highest creative and healing power in the universe. When you master sexual energy with your partner through the compassionate, unconditional exchange of love, together you will unleash one of the most powerful forces out into the world. 


We must pay attention with whom we share this intimate and potent energy with. During sex, the aural energy between two people is entwined. Your partners thoughts, feelings, pleasures, and desires will leave an impression on your aura unless you establish proper energetic boundaries before and after this exchange. 


Setting up a boundary around your body and within your intimate relationships will protect you from absorbing the energy of your partner and everyone else your partner has had sex with prior to you. To establish an energetic boundary, visualize a white light shield surrounding your auric body, protecting you from all eternal energy. Reapply this white layer each time you are intimate with someone (especially with new or casual partners) to ensure continuous protection, strength, and purification. After sex, you must practice auric and spiritual cleansing techniques to avoid energetic debris from lingering in your personal field and space.


Black Her-Story: The Sybils

The Sibyls were lastly received as the oracles in Ancient Greece/Rome, however, their story predates these empires as they were all over the planet; from the Amazon, Asia Minor, Northern and Eastern Africa, and India were the Matriachals Mamas. These women were representatives of the Mama Universe and they were revered as Prophetess, Goddess, Priestess and the Daughters of Mami Wata (The Divine Cosmic Mother). These Daughters, sometimes referred as The Lulus were the mothers that seeded humanity and civilized them into tribes. The Patriarchal order have done well in attempting to erase or hide the truth, but the truth is hidden inside of the 0 blood type and it is out now.

According to Mama Zogbe, author of The Sybils: The First Prophetess’ of Mami Wata, the name “Sybil” is of mixed origin derived from the Ethiopian/Cushites as a title of sacred initiatory and term of endearment for Mami known as “Cybele”, (Cybella, Cybylle,Kybrle) loosely meaning Queen of Heaven; Mother of Gods.

In short, the Sybils, often referred by the Greeks as The Muses, were literally the “light of divine wisdom” and offered the world their gifts that specified in music, art, science, philosophy, law, astronomy, architecture, husbandry, and literature/language. The are even notated as the mother that seeded the diversity of humanity.

These ancient oracles were the priestesses and mystics that served their community by entering trance states as multidimensional mediums. They held many divine prophecies that would entail the cyclic fate of birth, maturation, death, and regeneration of societies and civilizations. These women guided the societal, economic, and political order of matriarchal societies. Because of their understanding of cycles, science, metaphysics and more, they were able to predict and outline the rise and fall of a patriarchal order. They understood the necessity for cycles of human destruction and rebuilding. They foretold of a sun/thunder god to eclipse the lunar goddesses (patriarchy usurping the matriarchy) where darkness will cover the face of the earth (rise of negative accumulation of karma) and the slaughter of the first Divine Calf and the rise of a new sun/thunder god from the depths to be acclaimed as “the holy one” to restore and liberate as a sacrifice .

This story or prophesy very well may have been about the changing of ages from Taurus to Pisces age, as it foretold of Annuki a fish deity would be sent to liberate and redirect the rebellion of the rising patriarchal order into its fall. And restore the reign of virtue and justice on earth. Some scholars claim that these Sybil prophecies were referring to either Buddha, Krishna, or Yeshua/Jesus Christ of myth and history.

Whatever the stories of these oracles, the Sybils were highly revered prior to their self foretold overthrowing. These women reignedfor centuries and ages in peace and harmony with nature and cosmic cycles. They spread their wisdom on all corners of the earth, from modern day Africa (ancient Kemet/Cush/Mizarim), India (Peloponnesus/Mesopotamia), Asia (Turkey/Ionia/Minoa), Europe (Mycenea/Delphi) and the Americas (Olmecs/Amazon). They were known all over the world as Queen Mothers, or titled as Queen Mother of Heaven. This time was known as The Golden Age.

Temples, altars, and shrines were erected in their honor all over the world. Many of these scared sites are of the “Seven Wonders of the World”. These sacred sites were maintained by the Sybils and a contingent of vestal “virgin” (not owned by a man) priestesses and eunuchs.

Persian Sibyl – was said to be a prophetic priestess presiding over the Apollonian Oracle, she is said to have foretold the exploits of Alexander the Great.

Libyan Sibyl – was prophetic priestess presiding over the ancient Zeus Amon oracle at the Siwa Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt. The oracle here was consulted by Alexander after his conquest of Egypt.

Delphic Sibyl – was a legendary figure who gave prophecies in the sacred precinct of Apolloo at Delphi. The Delphic Sibyl was not the same as the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo who was also known as the Oracle of Delphi.

Cimmerian Sibyl – The Cimmerian Sibyl, by name Carmentis, was the prophetic priestess presiding over the Apollonian Oracle at Cimmerium in Italy, near Lake Avernus (i.e. Cumae).

Erythraean Sibyl – was sited at Erythrae, a town in Ionia. She is said to have predicted the Trojan War and prophesised to the Greeks who were moving against Ilium both that Troy would be destroyed and that Homer would write falsehoods.

Samian Sibyl – The Samian Sibyl was the priestess presiding over the Apollonian oracle near Hera’s temple on the Isle of Samos, a Greek colony.

Cumaean Sibyl – this was the sibyl that most concerned the Romans, located near the Greek city of Naples, whom Virgil’s Aeneas consults before this descent to the lower world. It was she who supposedly sold to Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome, the original Sibylline books.

Hellespontine Sibyl – or the Trojan sibyl presided over the Apollonian oracle at Dardania. The sibylline collection at Gergis was attributed to the Hellespontine Sibyl and was preserved in the temple of Apollo at Gergis. Thence it passed to Erythrae, where it became famous.

Phrygian Sibyl – The Phrygian Sibyl appears to be a doublet of the Hellespontine Sibyl.

Tiburtine Sibyl – To the classical sibyls of the Greeks, the Romans added a tenth, the Tiburtine Sibyl, whose seat was the ancient Etruscan town of Tibur. An apocalyptic pseudo-prophecy exists, attributed to the Tiburtine Sibyl, written c. 380 CE, but with revisions and interpolations added at later dates. It purports to prophesy the advent of a final Emperor named Constans, vanquishing the foes of Christianity, bringing about a period of great wealth and peace, ending paganism and converting the Jews. After vanquishing Gog and Magog, the Emperor is said to resign his crown to God. This would give way to the Antichrist. Ippolito d’Este rebuilt the Villa d’Este at Tibur, the modern Tivoli, from 1550 onward, and commissioned elaborate fresco murals in the Villa that celebrate the Tiburtine Sibyl, as prophesying the birth of Christ to the classical world.

As Christianity gained in strength, the purpose of the Sibyls shifted. Many of them were withered martyred or went into hiding. It is believed that the Dogon Tribe and Pygmie Tribes, the oldest tribes of matriarch order, still old the truths and wisdom, along with prophesies of The Sybils. These mystic women origins and stories are growing in resonance as more women Strengthen their spiritual gifts and foresight.

To learn more about the Sybils:





Alchemy of Smudging with White Sage

White Sage smudging-the burning of sage- has become a staple in my spiritual practice. I was first introduced to the practice of smudging during a home and energy cleanse by my Yayi (traditional healer). I knew myself to be an empathetic or highly sensitive person, yet did not have the full understanding that I was attracting other people and my surrounding environment’s energy. Unbeknownst to me, I was holding on to other people’s negativity and toxicity and bringing them into my new home. There were times when I would feel sad, troubled, or down right negative and not know why until my Yayi suggested I start  energy cleanses. I am a Virgo South Node, so I am a natural skeptic of many things, however, I trusted my Yayi’s suggestion and decided to learn more about the practice and alleged benefits.

Despite being lauded and consistently practiced by indigenous cultures for thousands of years, smudging has been met by mixed reception within modern society. Native Americans, as well as diverse Asian cultures, believed (and continue to believe) that the smoke from sage and other herbs is capable of cleaning “negative energy,” whether it’s occupying a space or being carried by a person.

At first glance, this may sound like nothing more than a “woo-woo” concept, but it shouldn’t be dismissed too quickly. In this post I am sharing what I learned of smudging and how it has benefited me in my practice.

What are Ions

Ions are all around you right now and, whether you are aware of them or not, there is a good chance they are affecting the way you feel and quite possibly your health as well.

So what is an ion? An ion is a molecule that has lost or gained an electron through various atmospheric forces or environmental influences.

There are both positive and negative ions but, as we shall see, the definitions of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ are misleading in terms of their health effects.

A simple definition of a positive ion is an electrically charged atom, or group of atoms, formed by the loss of one or more electrons. The number of protons does not change but the reduction in electrons gives the atom a positive charge.

Positive ions in the air are usually carbon dioxide molecules that have been stripped of an electron. Also known as positively charged ions or cations, they have been demonstrated to have a negative effect on your body when you are exposed to them in excess.

This is particularly the case with your lungs and respiratory tract but your immune system can also be affected. This is because positive ions are so small they are absorbed directly into your bloodstream from the air you breathe.

What Are Negative Ions?

The definition of a negative ion is an electrically charged atom, or cluster of atoms, formed by gaining one or more electrons. The number of protons in the atom does not change but the extra electrons gives it a negative charge.

Negatively charged ions, also known scientifically as anions, are the opposite of positive ions and they have directly the opposite effect on your health, mood and energy levels when you are exposed to them.

Negative ions in the air have a strong negative charge. Due to this nature, they are statically attracted to airborne particles like dust, mold spores, pet dander and other floating pollutants and potential allergens.

By attaching to these pollutants and allergens they give them a negative charge and, rather than drifting in the air, they are grounded and fall to the floor or nearest surface.

Even bacteria and viruses circling in the air of your home can be cleared by negatively charged ions attaching to them and removing them from the air your breathe.

Medical and scientific researchers do not use terms like “negative energy”, however, they are confirming the cleansing properties of smudging. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrated that the smoke from burning sage -what the authors of the study call “medicinal smoke”- is able “to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space.[1]

From a scientific perspective, medicinal smoke is believed to release negative ions which bind to positively ionized particles like bacteria, viruses, mold spores, pet dander and other allergens, dust, and other hazardous particulates.  I would like to add here that indigenous cultures attempt to explain this negative ion phenomena through non-physical explanations that appeals to spiritual mythologies. I love myths and story-telling that can be tied or expounded upon by the facts of science.

The Scientific and Alchemical Benefit of Smudging

Kills Bacteria and Germs. The same study quoted above discusses the remarkable ability of sage as a tool for clearing bacteria and other pathogens from the respiratory tract and skin as a pulmonary and dermatological antimicrobial agent. For this reason, I smudge as a way to clear pathogens from the air in my home and surroundings.

Natural antidepressant. The negative ions present in medicinal smoke has another fascinating benefit: it balances mood and dispels depression (as well or better than pharmaceutical antidepressants, according to some data).[2]

A research engineer named Dr. Clarence Hansell first stumbled upon the benefits of negative ions in the 1930s. The negative-ion-charged air that some of his equipment produced led to such a dramatic mood boost in his coworkers that he decided to investigate further. A study in 1976 demonstrated that negative ions can balance levels of serotonin, which we now know has at least an indirect effect on the maintenance of mood and energy levels. The study cited above followed in the 1990s, and now negative ion therapy is finally gaining traction as a treatment modality for depression.

Improved sleep and performance. Due to its ability to modulate serotonin, the negative air ions (NAI) in smudging smoke provide a range of other benefits, as well. In 2013, a team of Italian researchers sought to delve deeper into the positive effects of NAI. Their analysis confirmed that NAI treatment works on par with antidepressants for mood disorders, and also observed that negative ions balance sleep patterns, promote restfulness, and improve physical performance.[3]

How do you cleanse your house with white sage?


I prefer to cleanse my home weekly on Sundays, which is also the day associated to Archangel Michael. I begin the day by cleaning the interior of my home. Upon completing the physical cleaning and organization of my home, I welcome Archangel Micheal and his healing and protective energy into my home, as well as a sense of gratitude for all that I have and soon to gain. I then proceed to burn the sage leaves, giving thanks to the leaves for her healing properties, to me, this act of gratitude is received by the spirit of the white sage as she discharges its energy of clearing and protection in the air around me and onto the items I intend to clear or cleanse. 

As the smoke transfers through the area or over an item, the smoke joins itself to any thick, negative energy that is inside the object, space or being. When the smoke is cleared, the spirit of this plant transports the negative energy back to the spiritual light, and leaves my space or the items cleared.

Immediately after clearing, I welcome the energy or frequency of Love, Discernment, Abundance, Joy, and whatever high vibration energy  to fill the spaces that were cleared. For me, this is the alchemical process of transferring a negative into neutral to a positive.

P.S. White sage is wonderful, but it’s not the only option when it Spiritual Cleansing Sessionscomes to smudging and energetically clearing your home! Cedar, wild sage, palo santo-another staple of mine-, juniper, sandalwood, and others are wonderful choices to cleanse, purify and raise the vibration of your home, objects, or even yourself!

Or if you don’t enjoy the smoke from sage smudging… Essential Oils are a wonderful way to cleanse and uplift the energy of your home as well!




When Will My Life Begin

The following editorial is a segment from my memoirs that I plan to publish in the coming months. In this piece, I share an experience I had while in college that leads me to ponder about who I was and who do I want to be. Read and share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you

I am officially engulfed in university life, after spending the first few weeks in depression; I decided to embrace the experience by diving into over 10 to 12 student clubs, each one a portal to new connections. My pursuits transcended my personal background, joining clubs like the Student Association of Latin of America, Black Student Union, and the Muslim Women’s Society to broaden my social horizon.

Attending in various sporting events, from track meets to football games, tailgating, and later picking up a part-time role as a dorm front desk clerk, all enriched my college life. The whirlwind of experiences extended to the theater arts department, where I participated in stage plays like “Brighton Beach Memoirs,” and “Fences.” Amidst this bustling semester, I found time for part-time volunteering at the planetarium under the guidance of my Astronomy studies professor.

The catalyst for introspection came during the exploration of Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple.” Delving into the unique challenges faced by black women in post-antebellum United States, I felt compelled to pen a paper. This journey into feminist thought theory led me to ponder the untold stories of the women in my family, particularly my great-grandmother, Alice.

Her narrative unfolded against the backdrop of profound loss—losing her mother at the tender age of two, followed by her father’s demise merely three months later. In the wake of their passing, my great-grandmother was separated from her siblings, eventually becoming a servant on a sharecropping farm. The resonance of her story intensified as she was later kidnapped by neighbors, leading to years of labor, including the grim task of preparing slaughtered chickens at the age of four.

Rescue came in 1932 when her two older sisters found her, living independently at ages 13, 10, and 9. A makeshift family reunion initiated their journey, marked by resilience and determination. A fortuitous encounter with a traveling circus transformed their lives, leading them from Shreveport to Los Angeles. Becoming the “Italian dancing gals,” they toured the Chitlin Market circuit, traversing the country until settling in Portland, Oregon.

My great-grandmother’s life in Portland unfolded as she navigated relationships, heartbreak, and ultimately raising a family. Yet, this journey took a toll, prompting her to send her children to California temporarily. Reflecting on her story, I wondered about the woman she aspired to be and whether she achieved her dreams. As I stand at the crossroads of university life, on the path to becoming a lawyer and culturally diverse my experiences, I’m faced with a familiar question: What should I do when I don’t know what to do? Or who I am?

Maneuvering Workplace Warfare as a Spiritual Practice

Hello, unstoppable leaders and fearless entrepreneurs! In my last post, I shared with you about feminine archetypes for professional women and entrepreneurs Check It Out Here

I want you to meet the Feminine Warrior, a powerful archetype that resonates deep within us. She embodies strength, courage, and determination – qualities that are not only valuable on the battlefield but also in the modern workplace. Let’s explore how the Warrior archetype can be your ally in conquering challenges and thriving in the professional realm.

**The Attributes of the Feminine Warrior:**

1. Courage Under Fire: The Warrior archetype fearlessly faces challenges and confronts adversity head-on. In the workplace, this translates to the courage to tackle difficult tasks, speak up, and take calculated risks.

2. Resilience: Warriors bounce back from setbacks. They view obstacles as opportunities for growth, adapting to changes and emerging even stronger. Resilience in the workplace ensures you’re not easily discouraged by setbacks.

3. Confidence: The Feminine Warrior knows her strengths and trusts her abilities. This self-assuredness is a powerful asset when negotiating, making decisions, or presenting ideas.

Make sure to be subscribed to my email newsletter for exclusive content about the Warrior Archetype and how to apply her in career and business! I’ll keep sharing a little more about this topic in the coming weeks

Designing Your Life With Archetypes

Archetypes are universal, symbolic patterns or themes that exist in the collective human consciousness. They represent fundamental aspects of the human experience, emotions, and behavior. Archetypes are found in myths, stories, art, and cultures across the world, and they serve as deep-seated symbols that resonate with our innate understanding. These symbols tap into our shared human experiences, making them relatable and recognizable.

Introduced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who was also the philosophical rival of Sigmund Freud, ideas about archetypes has set the framework for contemporary psychology, spiritual philosophy, and personal growth. His work has inspired many like myself to explore my own complexities, find balance and harmony within them and map out a healing journey for my own psychological wounds to create new patterns and experiences for me.

These archetypes for my upcoming 9-week program, The Art & Science of Sacred Femininity: The 5 Archetypes for Radiating Confidence and Embracing Love for the Working Woman, has successfully helped me to understand and master my own mental, spiritual and emotional health. I will be sharing my experiences with each archetype, the shadow and light aspects of them, how I discovered them, and how I used them to help me change the trajectory of my life and career.

The thing that I want you to understand is that you, we, are always operating as an archetype, even if we don’t know which one we are operating as, this is called the shadow. This includes the people around us, family, friends, lovers, work colleagues, strangers we meet, etc.. we all are operating as an archetype or several. The goal is to become conscious of which one you are more dominantly resonant with and the conscious control to shift into others as necessary. We will be doing Shadow Work in this program, as well as transmuting stagnant and unnecessary energies from our lives.

This program is built for you to become aware of yourself, which entails, allows you to be aware of others. Learning about these archetypes, particularly the one that I predominantly resonant with literally saved my life! I wish that was an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. My lived experiences brought me here to help women and girls save themselves and embrace a life that is fulfilling with purpose, respect, love, and prosperity! I wholeheartedly know that when women start embracing their connection to divinity, their capacity to receive love, their contributions to society and loved ones, only then will the world see and feel the shifts of women in power (empower).

Exploring feminine archetypes is a powerful journey of self-discovery and personal growth, allowing us women to embrace the complexity and beauty of our identities. I like forward to embarking this with you!

I will be releasing more information this week about the The Art & Science of Sacred Femininity: The 5 Archetypes for Radiating Confidence and Embracing Love for the Working Woman Program and optional Retreat Spring 2024

This week you have a chance to have access to Early Bird Specials so make sure to join my email list!

Nodal Shifts: North Node in Aries Transit

What is “Main Character” energy? It’s become popularized phrase to describe someone being the protagonist and focal point of their own life story. “Main Character” energy refers to a person that possesses a magnetic presence, captures attention with charisma, and ability to exudes confidence. And this is the energy we are heading into with the upcoming Nord Node shifting to Aries July 17th 2023.

In astrology, the North Node, also known as the True Node, is a significant point that represents a person’s or the collectives karmic path and soul’s evolutionary journey. Since the North Node shifting into Aries, It indicates the lessons, experiences, and qualities that the collective needs to develop and embrace in the next two years. The North Node’s placement in a specific zodiac sign provides insights into the lessons and gifts associated with that sign.

When the North Node is in Aries, the lessons and gifts revolve around assertiveness, self-discovery, and personal independence.  

Overall, the North Node in Aries invites us to embark on a path of self-discovery, assertiveness, and personal independence. It urges us to embrace our unique identity, take the lead in our lives, and fearlessly pursue our passions. By cultivating courage, self-assertion, and a healthy sense of individuality, you can unlock your  full potential and make significant strides on your journey.  It’s Rip Me Out The Plastic Season 😝  


Xoxo Tahiry

🚨New Challenge Alert: Unleash Your Potential 3-Day Challenge

Finding Freedom: How Dance and Movement Enhance Mental and Emotional Wellness

Cancer Season is Running Me Like a River into Self Care Through Body Movement ♋️

DidYouKnow Dancing and Body Movement can be powerful tools for emotional and mental release and have a profound impact on your emotional health?

📚 One of my favorite books is The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk. He highlights in his book one of the fundamental problems that arises as a result of trauma is a separation from one’s own body. This detachment can lead to a disconnect from one’s emotions, as well as a disconnect from one’s sense of safety and from one’s sense of who they are as a person.

✨Dancing has helped me release emotions that was not solely in my mind but locked inside my body. Through dance I was able to express and release emotions for stagnant energy that sat in my lower spine, hips, and neck. Each of these points on the body represent a different emotional state that was locked in place, creating not just physical tension and pain, but contributed to anxiousness.

✨Emotions are not solely experienced in the mind; they also manifest in the body. When we experience stress, tension, or emotional buildup, it can create physical discomfort or tightness. Engaging in body movement, such as dancing, helps release this tension, allowing the body to relax and promoting a sense of emotional relief and well-being.

✨By Dancing, I have been able to more succinctly connect to the present moment. As we engage in rhythmic movements, we shift our focus away from past regrets or future worries and immerse ourselves in the present experience. This mindful awareness helps calm the mind, reduces stress, and fosters a deeper connection with ourselves and our emotions.

Movement enhances self-expression and creativity, specifically by dancing, I’ve nurtured my creative abilities and authenticity which contributes to overall emotional well being.

✨Mind To Body connection does not have to be complex. Start with simple movements to your favorite song. Allow yourself to remove any judgments and make room for yourself to be in flow like a River 🌊


Xoxo -Tahiry